

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and take your career to the next level?

Welcome to elvates - designed to empower women to achieve their career goals!

Your business academy – female first!

Develop the skillset
it needs to get what you want!

Do you dream of a promotion? A career change? Higher salary? The truth is, achieving your goals requires the right skillset. elvates is your transformative online academy that empowers you to unlock your full potential and reach your dreams!

In a world that is still dominated by men – the business world – we women need to support each other to level up. That is why our trainings are conceptualised for women.

Women face unique challenges in the workplace when it comes to career advancement. This program provides women with the actionable steps and skills they need to advance in their careers

Level up and meet mates

Benefit from the flexibility of virtual courses while still exchanging live in groups

Our online academy offers you best flexibility, learning online. From the comfort of your home of whereever you are, you can connect and learn any time that is convenient for you!

However, we truly believe connecting with people and networking is key. Therefore we will put you in touch with other elMates to exchange, discuss and grow together!


Meet Our Expert Instructor









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Our clients say

Franziska's expertise in the field and engaging teaching style made the learning process insightful and enjoyable! I really recommend the course!

Amelia M. London

The course is extremely well-structured. Also it is great to work in weekly live calls with small groups. Sharing experiences and getting other people's input is invalueable!

Chloé F. Head of Human Resources

Already the first chapter was mind-blowing to me. Every women should gain this knowledge! I also appreciated the many practical advises.

Lisa G. Marketing Manager

I am so happy to have taken this course! Only 3 month later I got my promotion! All the insights of the training are so helpful and the combination with live calls is just perfect! It also gives the possibility to ask individual questions.

Sarah. B. app developer

Get In Touch

We are experienced in educationl platform and skilled strategies for the success of our online learning.

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